Places Where I Dreamt



Places Where I Dreamt
Installation in David Yelin Gallery, Jerusalem, 2003

Plaatsen waar ik droomde
Installatie in Galerie David Yelin, Jerusalem, 2003

The visitor sees an image of a bed in various sizes, colours and textures repeated all over the galleries. Some are framed, some are glued on the wall, one might be painted directly on the wall. Some look clear, others look fainted or more like just a shadow.

Each bed bears the name of a town, a village or an island, or maybe just of a house or a river bank. They memorize places where I dreamt. That means that I was there, spend the night and had dreams. It can also mean that I just was there, had thoughts about what might have happened there, or what might happen in the future, in a kind of daydreams.

I have an archive of dreams and I have an archive of all places that I visited and all places where I spent a night. Their meaning for me might differ from that of others. My Amsterdam, my Paris, my Jericho, my Gilo, my Rüthen and my Imwaz might arouse different thought from others, and that might cause questions.